Sunday, May 16, 2010

A wolves tale part 3

Dimitri stood before the fireplace, a still and commanding presence within the large room. Only he could do it, cause fear to ripple through the minds of those near him. As it was, his minions stood at least three feet from him, as much space as they could manage without invoking his anger. In his gnarled hand he held a single wine glass filled with a ruby red liquid. Wine perhaps? Or maybe a more sinister beverage to the ordinary person. His dank hair fell from his head in greasy tendrils, matted and filthy. His suit was once an expensive array of fabrics, lovingly sewn for a master no longer himself. The years had taken their toll. He sighed as he contemplated this. His skin, stretched taunt and pale over bones and hallowed black eyes illuminating the flames below told just how much he had endured. He needed a new kind of life. He was dying now. He had tried Fey blood. The blood of pixies and elves. So many had to die to feed his greed and they had grown wary, Increasing their defences and the walls were now impenetrable.

Humans quenched the thirst and their terror brought much amusement to him. However he was no longer a young and virile vampire and needed more then what they could bring him.

Demons proved too much trouble for the small amount of life they provided and the after effects of incubi and succubi although fun for a while, proved an unnecessary annoyance when it was not needed.

Angels were an interesting bunch. But their blood had the uncanny effect of making ones skin glow an unnatural gold. And no one wants to get feathers everywhere, especially between teeth.

His own kind on the other hand although providing less life then the Angels gave him something more. By taking the blood of the strongest vampires it was possible for him to absorb their powers.

Now he was feared but it was worthless unless he could save himself. Everlasting life was a myth, eventually time catches up with a vampire just like everything else. He had been around thousands of years a direct descendant from the first vampire that walked the night. But time was catching up with him just as it did with Itanis.

“What news of the research” he inquired in his raspy voice. There was a hesitation and he lifted his head to stare at his commanding officer. “Well!” He all but shouted.

“S…Sir…“ Marcus began then jumped as his masters fist connected with the fireplace.

“I haven’t got all day, as you see time is my enemy” he said gesturing to the whole room as if it were the world with the hand holding the wine glass.

“We have reason to believe….” He tentatively said fearing a reaction. “That there is a group in Georgia displaying interesting characteristics. Their species contain both male and female counterparts. Their powers passed on through birth or attack”

“You idiot!” Dimitri barked at him as he suddenly appeared before the smaller man the glass of blood smashed on the floor. Taking hold of his neck in one wizened but strong hand he lifted him from the ground pulling him close to his face. “I am aware of Warewolves…you think I do not know of their kind. I have been alive longer then you have I not. Disgusting nasty creatures” He said his putrid breath blowing in Marcus’s face. Marcus made a gurgling apologetic sound before Dimitri threw him across the room smashing his body against the nearby wall.

“And what is so intriging about this particular group of mutts?” He asked almost sweetly.
“Sir…there is a woman.”

“Ah yes, a woman and how do you suppose a puny idiotic woman can help with this mess” Dimitri interrupted again gesturing to himself.

“There is something about her, we haven’t gotten all the details. But she is different then the others. She may not know it herself but there is something more that runs through her blood” Marcus explained.

Dimitri stared at Marcus evaluating what the vampire had said to him. Hmm... he thought, it would prove easy to secure a woman and at least he could have a little fun. He so enjoyed their high pitched screams…and if Marcus was right perhaps her blood had the final ingredient he was so greedy for.

“Bring her to me” He commanded… (to be continued)

Freya xx

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