Friday, April 2, 2010

I'm back!

Please forgive the lack of writing seems I've been more absent then absinthe!!

So what's new? Not much really I'd like to say the reason why I havn't posted a thing is due to the fact that I have been locked up someplace having the wildest most amazing sex of my life but no...I've just been working a hell of a lot in my job.'s tolerable when i can leave on time but becomes downright unbearable when I end up having to stay later then I like. The worst of it all is that I've been feeling irritated and unkind and and downright unmotivated to write a damn thing. Sitting in my room with angry music blaring dosnt seem like such a bad idea. But no the next three days wil be spent in the gym and out for long walks! I'm going to stamp out the depression from my life if it takes me all weekend to do so! Well here goes my attempt at writing since I surcumbed to my writers block.

Capturing a moment

She sighed in the afterglow, her body sore but sated. Her eyes closed to all around her savouring only the feelings, the wonderful, beautiful love he had expressed to her. Words were not needed she had simply felt it. 

She was now cradled in his strong arms the very same that had pulled her closer in the heights of passion. She could still feel his fingertips at her soflty curved hip where he had held tightly as if she was going to be ripped from him forever. There would be bruises after she thought with a smile. Hopefully they wouldn't fade too quickly. 

She could feel his hand softly stroaking over her tummy and side so different from the urgent dominant caresses minutes before. His breathing was slow and content at her back, the result of a properly pleasured man. And as she remembered his piercing blue eyes looking into her own as they made love she drifted into a deep sleep savouring and capturing the memories of their night in each others arms.