Thursday, February 18, 2010

Who am I?

Ok so I thought perhaps this time I'd write a post more about me and less from my imagination. So who am I and what am I about? Hmm... this is quite hard to write when put on the spot isn't it. On this blog do I tell the truth or take on my day to day persona that most people see me as? I am truly only comfortable with those who know me best, be that a best friend, a lover or family. Well ok even my family does not know what I am really about. I think if they knew they would quite possibly shun me for the rest of my life. I guess I'm going to get to know you guys quite well in the next while, however long this blog lasts so I'll be honest. Honesty is the best policy no?

Im a twenty-two year old woman just recently become professional. I won't tell you my occupation as I may bore you to death but I spend alot and I mean alot of my time working in an office. Over time is a bitch. Recently become professional basically means I'm pretty much just out of University and I miss it! Don't ever wish your life away cause one day you will end up in a full time job working long hours, getting up at obscene times to get to that job and all you look forward to all week is the weekend. Ok so enough about that lets talk more me, ha that sounds so vain!

Do you ever feel like no one understands you and more often then not you feel as if you are separate from the people around you?  Well thats how I feel alot of the time. I know why, I've finally figured it out after many years of frustration. My mind simply works on a different wavelength then your average person. I have an IQ of 152 and I think this has alot to do with it. I feel like I am an old soul in a young body, I analyze things differently then alot of people and tend to think too much about things. This isn't necessarily a bad thing but it does have disadvantages! I call myself eccentric which I am and am not ashamed of! Most successful people in the world are, just look at Silvia Plat for example excellent writer but had an affinity of killing herself by sticking her head in an oven!

While most people my age are still out drinking their brain cells to oblivion, I've been there done that even bought the T-shirt. Yes you know who you are that spilled a whole glass of Guiness onto my favorite t-shirt! :P Don't get me wrong I do love nights out getting quite merry but not 24/7!

I love the arts, it is one area I truly excel in. Music, art, literature....sigh such beauty in the written word. What made me begin this blog? Well I've been writing on and off for years and never made the material public so here we are I took the big step and now watch out! ha ha! I want to be a published author, it is my goal in life. The job I have right now is just to make cash and keep me afloat as I write the book that will take me closer to my dreams. Its in my head all I need to do is put it on paper, it has begun and will continue so hopefully you will be reading it in the near future! Am I ambitious I guess so, I don't stop untill I get what I want.

Which brings me to another part of me although I may be pretty much in control of my life, I like to relinquish that control in the bedroom. Maybe you have figured it out already but I am submissive by nature who sometimes likes to play the dominant. Bondage is my fetish, makes me excited just thinking of my lover taking control, tying me up and taking me to places where you fly in ecstasy. I love to play and I love to obey. Guess you will hear alot more about this in the future as I also love to incorporate this into my writing.

So I think I have revealed enough to you here today. I wanted to introduce you properly to the person behind the stories. Welcome to my absinthe life hope you guys are truly ready for it :P

Love always,

Freya xx


  1. I read your post here and my god but we have a lot in common!!! I'm actually slightly freaked out about just how much lol, the only thing different is I don't do the whole office/professional thing.
    I adore the arts I have a degree in Drama and Theatre Studies and English, *sigh* such bliss I have not known since the stage and I miss college like mad. Such freedom!!!
    Well that just went off on a tangent lol. thank you for sharing some of who you are :) ooh and I'm understanding that whole IQ/oldsoul in young body thing :)


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