Friday, March 19, 2010

Men in kilts and random writings about the men of Ireland....

Well maybe not in Ireland!!

I'm so sorry I havnt written in a while but I have been very busy in real life.

Ok so there were alot of men around in kilts today but sadly there were none that I would like to ask "is it true what they say about scots men and what they wear under their kilts?" sigh..

Every single man I saw was overweight, balding and stank of drink. Is this what men have come to? Alot of the men in kilts were Irish and were wearing it because they have Scottish desendants or whatever. But really men of Ireland clean yourselves up!! If not even for looks purposes at least consider your health! It makes me wonder how these men find woman at all and 9 times out of 10 they have a woman hanging off them. Do we therefore blame the women for accepting less then normal from their men? By normal I mean at least respecting yourself by keeping your body healthy and perhaps making more of an effort then a twice a week shower!

Even when out on a night out a girl is hard pressed by her choices! Wow though there are some amazing men out there! But for every ten of those that come along at least thirty of the " you havnt got a chance" men come slithering over to grab you by the arm tell you "omg your shhhoooo hooot" whilst leaning closer with alcoholic breath only to get pushed away quite forcefully.

Their manners are another story altogether! Sometimes they just don't take no for an answer! I'll tell you a story of a night out I had recently. I was out in a bar with some people I know and this guy pops up in front of me. Now I was away from home and I wasn't interested in starting anything whilst there. So he starts to chat me up whilst leaning closer and closer with every minute. Ok he wasn't bad looking but he wasn't my type. What is my type you may ask? Well I like them tall, smart, attractive and looking as if they could certainly hold a girl down and make her want to submit i.e. Having that cool confident air about them. He was small, cute and looked kinda stupid. Anyway as he got closer I placed a hand on his chest and pushed him back a little. I was not rude, I was not forceful but I was confident in allowing him to know I was not interested. After this he got angry. Started calling me a snob and asking me all sorts of questions about why I didn't even give him a chance etc etc.. Now this was not helping with the attractivness by any means. He got quite forceful and eventually his friend had to come over and drag him away. It was not a pleasent experience. So another bit of advice for men out there "no, means no"

Don't get me wrong I'm not saying all men in Ireland are like that but the vast majority are and it makes me sad. I do blame alot of the girls that allow them to treat them so and also are "attracted" to their not so normal hygiene. Have some shame girls and don't accept less then you deserve and men please take a shower and next time you want to wear a kilt go to the gym first!

What are your thoughts on this?

Happy Friday,

Freya xx      


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. B - don't get me wrong the men in Ireland who are nice are amazing!! For example my best friend is one, he is kind, considerate and always listens to what I have to say as I do to him. He dresses fantastic and really genuinely takes care of himself with little effort. But there are alot who fit my above description, alot of them are middle aged. I love older men but older men who look after themselves and respect their bodies and minds and don't look old prematurly. What I saw today was not pretty and it really was a pity cause I've met some hot guys in kilts in the past :P you can guess I was dissapointed. Here's hoping for a handsome and smart Scotsman next time!!

    Freya xx

  3. You find rude people everywhere. Don't let them get you down.

    I enjoy wearing one of my kilts out as much as possible, which in the deep South of the US, gets some funny reactions. I have blogged about some of these in the past -

    Happy Saturn's Day.

  4. You are right diable there are alot of rude people around! And yes there is no point in letting them bother you!

    Oh I'd imagine they just love the novelty of seeing you in your kilt a very nice picture to see indeed :P I will check out that blog entry tonight I always love reading your posts!

    Hopefully all you deviant bloggers had an awsome weekend I know I enjoyed mine ;P

    freya xx


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